Absolutely no alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before your appointment, and no blood thinners such as ibuprofen, aspirin, niacin, vitamin E, fish oil or vitamins unless medically necessary 72 hours before. These things increase blood flow and will cause extra bleeding, which pushes the pigment out which could compromise your results. Tylenol is acceptable.
Do not work out the day of your procedure - it expands the pores and increases blood flow.
No waxing or tweezing 1 week prior to treatment to avoid irritation in the area. I use a razor tool to take away any out-of-line eyebrow hairs if you have them, so you will leave your appointment cleaned up. These hairs will grow back, so it’s up to you to maintain your brows once they grow in again.
No intentional tanning 2 weeks prior. If you arrive with a sunburn, you will be asked to reschedule and forfeit your deposit. If you are vacationing, plan accordingly.
Any facials or microdermabrasion must be done 2 weeks prior.
Botox and fillers must be done 3 weeks pre procedure. Botox will change the lift in your brow. The same applies to fillers as this can change the skin around your brows. Botox and fillers can be done any time after your appointment, as long as your technician stays away from your healing brow area if its done within the 7 day healing period.
Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinols/Retin-A with acids, or any anti aging products 4 weeks week prior to treatment.
Chemical peels must be done 4 weeks prior to your appointment, to allow your skin to heal fully.
No Accutane within one year of treatment.